Enjoy free drinks and tips in Fred. Olsen?s latest cruise sale

Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines is offering guests ?Free Drinks & Tips? on over 120 cruises from April to December 2020 ? on all new bookings made up to February 4, 2020 ? with prices as low as ?599 per person.

In its ?Free Drinks & Tips' offer, Fred. Olsen is giving guests the chance to take advantage of its all-inclusive drinks upgrade aboard its entire ocean fleet ? Balmoral, Braemar, Boudicca and Black Watch. Guests can enjoy selected house wines, beers, spirits and soft drinks all day and evening, without the added hassle of settling a bar bill, plus all gratuities will be paid by Fred. Olsen.

Fred. Olsen is also offering this deal on a number of Brabant European river cruises in 2020, along the Rhine, Main, Danube and Moselle, giving guests the same selection of all-inclusive drinks available on its ocean sailings, when served with lunch and dinner, with the added extra of all gratuities being paid by Fred. Olsen.

Fred. Olsen?s ?Cruise Sale? is also offering a number of dedicated solo deals, with no single supplement on selected rooms and cruises in 2020.