
Dominican Republic tourism minister shares recovery plans

The Dominican Republic Minister of Tourism, David Collado, along with the board of directors and former presidents of the National Association of Hotels and Tourism (ASONAHORES), have held a meeting to examine the progress made on the Responsible Tourism Recovery Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The plan was presented by President Luis Abinader last week. During the meeting, Minister Collado reported on the status of each of the sections of the plan, such as risk management, communication and financial support for the private sector, and confirmed that everything is progressing well and can be implemented by September 15, 2020.

?We have been working on identifying and undertaking each of the elements that need to be adjusted and addressed so that the plan continues to progress,? said Minister Collado. ?Likewise, we are also working on strengthening our tourism offerings to ensure as a destination we are prepared for success in the both the short and long term.?

According to the plan, the government will invest $7.1 million in programmes to guarantee air routes, through an agreement with the airlines.

The Responsible Tourism Recovery Plan allows for loosening of fiscal policies, monetary measures, a loan guarantee programme, credit help for small and medium-sized tourism businesses, and the creation of a health insurance, provided by the Dominican government, for tourists who may be affected by COVID-19.

Measures to be implemented on September 15 include:

- Travellers will not be asked for any type of test prior to entering the country, nor will large scale testing be carried out upon arrival. Instead, random quick tests will be performed.

- There will be a temporary, free travel assistance plan until December 2020 to all tourists visiting a hotel, that includes emergency coverage, COVID-19 tests and cost coverage for long-term stay.

- The ministry has already started the process of certifying the new protocol with better international practices with Bureau Veritas, an international certification company.

The Tourism Minister guaranteed that he will work ?shoulder to shoulder? with the private sector to achieve the full recovery of the tourism industry, which generates the most foreign currency for the country?s economy, and seek to begin a new stage in 2021.

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