
Discover Egypt Update

Philip Breckner, diirector of specialist tour operator Discover Egypt said:

p> Philip Breckner, diirector of specialist tour operator Discover Egypt said:

?We have cancelled our holidays operating on January 31 but we are not evacuating clients who wish to continue their holiday. Discover Egypt clients who are currently in Egypt and on our Nile cruises or in hotels are looked after by our guides and representatives. Most clients who purchased post-cruise stays in Luxor and the Red Sea are continuing with their holidays. Clients who were due to go to Cairo are either amending their itineraries and staying in Luxor or the Red Sea, or curtailing their stay in Egypt.?


Discover Egypt?s weekly departures to Luxor from Gatwick and Manchester will continue to be reviewed according to Foreign Office advice. The Foreign Office is not, at present, advising British nationals to leave Egypt with the exception of Cairo, where the advice states that those visitors without a pressing need to be in Cairo should make arrangements to leave the city.

Over this last weekend, some Discover Egypt clients (including a few that spent Friday, January 28 at the airport because of the curfew) stayed at the Mena House Oberoi in Cairo and were not affected by the civil disturbances. All Nile cruise excursions to the Temples of Karnak and Luxor also took place as scheduled.

Discover Egypt maintained regular contact with its guides and many of its clients by mobile phone ? updating travel arrangements. In its London office, staff worked the whole weekend to maintain communication with clients both in Egypt and with those due to travel over the next few days.