
Could your idea be the next big thing in wearable technology?

Submit your idea and you could win your very own Google Glass.

p>Submit your idea and you could win your very own Google Glass.


At this year's World Travel Market (WTM), one of the major themes was wearable technology and its potential to transform the travel experience for both businesses and consumers.

Wearable devices, such as smart watches and heads-up displays like Google Glass, are on the brink of becoming mainstream; according to the WTM 2014 Global Trends Report, they are now an "important tool for travellers, who will be increasingly connected to the internet through different types of mobile devices".

This leaves a huge opportunity for the industry to invent new applications designed for wearables that could potentially change the way people travel.

And the ideas behind these apps could come from anywhere - could you be the person who has the idea for the "next big thing" in wearable app technology?

Sabre is inviting members of the public to write a proposal for an app that could be ?the next big thing? in the wearable technology space for the travel industry and/or its consumers.

Entrants must submit a proposal online of no more than 1,500 words, which must address the following points:

What problem or issue does your idea solve or address? (300 words)
Who is your idea aimed at? (e.g. travel agents, consumers, target demographic etc.) (100 words)
Why is your idea important to develop/create? (300 words)
What makes it relevant in today's travel market? (300 words)
How will your idea impact on the future of travel? (250 words)
What next steps would you feel need to occur to move your idea forwards (i.e. market research, further concept development, advice etc.) (250 words)


Please make sure your proposal addresses the following points, as entries will be judged equally on these (20% per point):

Problem Solving: Does the idea solve a common problem faced by either individual travellers (consumers) or businesses?
Mainstream Impact: Is the idea likely to be adopted by mass audiences?
Longevity: Does the idea have longevity within the ever-changing technology and travel landscapes of today - and tomorrow?
Originality: Is the idea unique and/or innovative?
Viability: How realistic is the idea within the possibilities of current software development?
One winning idea will be selected by a panel of judges and announced at this year's Travolution Summit on 24th November 2014.

Deadline for entries:

November 22, 2014, 23:59

Food for thought

"In technology, there's always something new and exciting vying for attention. Many come and go but every now and then, something like ?wearable technology' comes along and inspires new thinking across almost every industry. We're just beginning to understand its potential, and how it can be used to enrich a traveler's journey and improve how travel companies operate their business."
- Joakim Everstin, Head of Innovation at Sabre Travel Network

Looking for more inspiration?
Everstin shares 3 technologies he's watching: Geo Location Services, Wearables and Increased Connectivity.
Watch his video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFc5l31dUek

Visit: www.sabre.com