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Co-op Travel to provide clean drinking water to Kenyan schoolchildren

Co-operative Travel has partnered with charity organisation Just a Drop to raise money for providing clean water to a school in Kenya.

The travel agency ran many charity initiatives earlier to raise money for the Just a Drop project. The initiatives included silent auctions, cyclathons, cake sales and coffee mornings in its branches. The company needs ?8,754 for drinking water project and it aims to raise the amount by autumn from events over the summer. So far, 80% of the funds needed are raised and the construction of the water tank is underway.

Co-operative Travel?s efforts will fund the building of a water tank at Kiliku School in Kenya, to provide year-round, clean water for the 336 children who attend the school. The school is located in an arid, rural area where there is limited water and the children are often forced to fetch water from a borehole. The water tank will harvest water from the school roof during the two Kenyan rainy seasons, providing year-round, safe, clean drinking water

Natalie Turner, head of branches for Co-operative Travel, said: ?We are delighted with the progress made to date in raising money for this important project.

?As a co-operative, making a difference to the local communities, both at home and in the countries that we send our holidaymakers to, is really important, and being able to see what a positive impact our fundraising efforts will have on a school community in Kenya makes us extremely proud.

?Funding for the school?s new water tank means that the children will have sufficient water to drink and cook with. The children will be able to spend more time in school as they will not be losing time due to illness or through having to fetch water. The school will be able to use the money they were previously spending on buying water, when their own supply ran out, for new classrooms, a laboratory, or for growing food, and hygiene issues will be reduced leading to better long term health for the children.?

Visit www.cooptravel.co.uk to find out more.