Aurora Expeditions offers webinars for the travel trade

Aurora Expeditions expanded webinar programme will run every month, focusing on a different region and will be a valuable information resource for agents.

The focus for February will be on the new Ireland and Scotland itineraries as well as an update on Antarctica and why March is a great time to visit.

The Antarctica webinar is on Wednesday, February 19, 9am-10am. It will feature special guest Dr. Roger Kirkwood, who has been exploring the polar regions for more than 30 years. Impressively, he spent a year living beside an emperor penguin colony in Antarctica and subsequently completed his PhD on emperor penguin foraging ecology. Together with Roger, the company will provide a comprehensive overview of what to expect during a trip with Aurora Expeditions to the white continent.

The Scotland and Ireland Voyages webinar is on Tuesday, February 25, 9am-10am.

Resident Irish expert Martha Behan who grew up in the Wicklow Mountains and previously worked for the Irish Tourism Board, and historian Carol Knott, an Aurora Expeditions expert leader and archaeologist for the National Trust of Scotland, will share their local knowledge and insights into both regions, highlighting the unique historical experiences and private access that passengers can expect on voyages to these destinations.

Agents can register at