Air New Zealand serves 'Impossible' burger on Los Angeles - London flights

Air New Zealand is offering the plant-based Impossible Burger on flights from Los Angeles to London.

The airline has taken its collaboration with the Silicon Valley food tech start-up Impossible Foods to the United Kingdom for the first time. It is serving the burger in its Business Premier cabin on flights from Los Angeles to London until October.

The burger's magic ingredient is an iron-containing molecule called heme which comes from the roots of soy plants. The heme in the burger is the same as the heme found in animal meat. Therefore, it is a plant-based burger patty that cooks, smells and tastes like beef but contains no animal products whatsoever.

Last year, Air New Zealand began serving the plant-based Impossible Burger on its flights from Los Angeles to Auckland. Following its success, the burger was introduced as bite-size sliders on flights from San Francisco to Auckland, with the United Kingdom the latest addition.

Niki Chave, the airline's senior manager customer experience, said: ?Customers have been asking for the Impossible Burger on our Los Angeles-London route and we?re very excited to take the plant-based burger across the Atlantic.

?The Impossible Burger has been a customer favourite and we?re confident it will appeal to travellers heading to Heathrow. And for those who want to stay with the tried and true, it will sit alongside our regular selection of menu items prepared by our talented culinary team and consultant chefs.?