
ABTA welcomes Mayor?s call for London?s airports to be part of Government?s airport review

Investment in south east?s existing airports key to growth

p> Investment in south east?s existing airports key to growth

ABTA welcomes a new report from London Mayor Boris Johnson that highlights the need for further airport investment in London and the south east.


However, ABTA believes that the existing airport infrastructure in the south east is where investment to improve capacity and efficiency should be focused.

The Government will launch a scoping report in March in preparation for introducing a new aviation policy in 2013. In Heathrow and Gatwick, the UK already has two of the world?s busiest international airports and ABTA believes with further investment and expansion these airports have the potential to become among the world?s best.

Luke Pollard, ABTA?s Head of Public Affairs said: ?Boris Johnson has timed his report to ensure that even before the Government starts its aviation policy review London?s airports are on the agenda. ABTA believes that the south-east needs additional airport capacity and that the government needs to consider this in its aviation policy framework review that will start in March. ABTA members would need persuading that the solutions outlined in the report are cost-effective and workable but they will certainly welcome the start of the debate about airport policy. Since the cancellation of the Third Runway in May there has been a silence on airport capacity from Government. ABTA recognises the importance of an aviation policy that recognises London?s airports as a driver of jobs and growth in the capital and beyond. Whether or not we agree with his solutions, Boris Johnson is asking the right questions about the future of London?s airports.?