
ABTA urges members to complete ATOL reform questionnaire

ABTA is urging its members to complete a questionnaire seeking their views on the shape of the Department for Transports reform of the ATOL scheme of financial protection.

p> ABTA is urging its members to complete a questionnaire seeking their views on the shape of the Department for Transports reform of the ATOL scheme of financial protection.

ABTA says its members' views are essential to ensure that it can present a properly informed response to the DfT's consultation. Given the scope and nature of the proposed reforms, they could impact different travel businesses in different ways.

The questionnaire highlights the key areas of the DfT's proposals and is being posted to the Head Office of all members as well as being available online at www.abta.com/forms/atolreform.

Mark Tanzer, ABTA chief executive said: "This is a key window for ABTA members to contribute to the debate on ATOL reform. We want to know ABTA Members? views on the proposals put forward by the Department for Transport so that we can feed these into deciding ABTA?s detailed response. I strongly urge Members to set aside some time from their busy schedules and take 20 minutes to complete our questionnaire."

ABTA has called on the Government to extend protection for all holidays, regardless of how they are booked. More recently it has highlighted the importance of including airlines and click-throughs in any reform. ABTA has set a deadline of August 18 for completion of the questionnaire and will collate the results and agree a final position.


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