ABTA index suggests travel confidence is on the rise

The second edition of ABTA's Travel Confidence Index has reported a six-point rise in overall travel confidence since 2023

ABTA's Travel Confidence Index aims to track the nation's confidence levels around travelling, hoping to uncover changes among certain demographics or types of travellers and provide the industry with actionable next steps to build and capitalise on consumer confidence.

2024's score was +47, up from +41 last year. Those who booked with a travel agent remain much more confident than your average Brit, with a score of +72. Travellers who have taken a package holiday in the last year devlier the highest score of +74.

Families (+62) and 25- to 34-year-olds (+60) remain the most confident demographics, but all groups aged 64-and-under recorded improved results compared to last year.

Those aged 65 and over reported a confidence score of +26, down seven points from last year.

In terms of inspiring consumer confidence, the best move to help clients (ranked 'essential' by 71% of respondents) is preparing the correct documents for travel.

Being able to get home (58%), health and safety standards of accommodation (48%) and enjoying a welcoming and safe environment (46%) were also rated 'essential'.

Booking with an ABTA member remains 'essential' for 41% of respondents, as it did last year.

Graeme Buck, the association's director of communications, said, "It’s really encouraging to see that the nation’s overall confidence to travel is up – and up significantly among certain groups. It’s also brilliant to see that booking with a travel professional continues to foster such high levels of confidence too, which is testament to the exceptional work our members do to make sure their customers are prepared, informed and ultimately have an amazing holiday."

The full Travel Confidence Index can be viewed here.
