
A fifth of the UK holidaymakers putting off a European holiday due to Brexit

A fifth of British holidaymakers admits that uncertainty over Brexit has caused them to change their European holiday plans, with this figure increasing to a third amongst those aged 35 - 44, according to a research.

The nationwide study was conducted by Holiday Extras ahead of Britain?s long-awaited exit from the European Union on January 31.

Discovering that so many people are changing or putting off holiday plans due to uncertainty over post-Brexit travel rules (8%) or opting instead for a staycation (5%), Holiday Extras created its ?Brexit Holiday Checker? to help travellers understand how Brexit on January 31 would - or in most cases would not - impact those travel plans.

Brits? biggest concerns regarding post-Brexit travel relate to healthcare abroad, with 25% fearing limited accessibility of medical insurance and a further 20% worried about the availability of reciprocal healthcare. Other travel woes include the queues at passport control (23%), the exchange rate for Euros (18%) and passport changes (15%). What?s more, almost a fifth (14%) displayed concerns about the potential negative attitudes to British travellers from our European counterparts.

To use the Brexit Holiday Checker, visit www.holidayextras.co.uk/brexit-holiday-checker.html.