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From Mozart to mental health: orchestra music during lockdown

According to a study by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO), as many as 51% of people have been benefitted by listening to orchestral music during the lockdown

For many people stuck at home, either working or on furlough, classical music has helped improve their concentration and boost their productivity.

The orchestra spoke to 2,110 adults about their engagement with classical music, especially those who are living in self-isolation due to the pandemic. The survey suggests that more than 65% who listened to orchestral music, reported long-lasting changes to their health and well being; while 35% said, the music helped them calm down during endless days of lockdown, and 18% of people felt less worried after listening to orchestra music regularly.

While just 10% got inspired enough to learn an instrument, 15% under the age of 25 discovered classical music only during the lockdown. The survey also suggests that the appeal of orchestral music has been prevalent across the UK, with London leading the way. Other regions come close at 53-55% (Humberside/Yorkshire, South East, West Midlands) and 48-49% (South West, North West, Scotland).

James Williams, managing director at the RPO said: ?During these dark days, people all over the country have had to adapt to unprecedented risks and it has been vital for people to stay at home, and help the NHS save lives. Orchestral music has tangibly helped people to cope, to adapt and maintain a relatively positive mindset during lockdown. Orchestral music and the arts generally, have enriched lives at crucial times. We believe, the arts have an important role to play, as it gives us hope and the power to believe, that together we can recover from this terrible pandemic.?

?Culture and the Arts bring meaning to our lives and make us human; give structure and sense to the society we create; and provide us with real values, and fulfil our mental and emotional existence. In some of the most difficult days in the history of humanity, during some of the most devastating wars and epidemics, the Arts, and perhaps especially music, enhanced the spirit. Music became a symbol of resilience, heroism and ultimately our belief in ourselves, whether it is Josef Haydn?s ?Mass in Time of War? or Shostakovich?s Seventh Symphony. Today at a time of unprecedented risk and anxiety, the orchestral genre has once again helped people, and as musicians we are desperate to join in the battle, to rebuild society and help improve people?s mental health, and to give comfort during this most isolated and most lonely time in our modern history,? said Vasily Petrenko, music director designate at the RPO.

Image credit: W Koh/ Flickr