Authentic happiness prevails with Tourism Fiji's agent incentive

The tourist board is encouraging trade partners to get involved with its Shot of Happiness Project for the chance to win £100 worth of vouchers. 

In celebration of International Day of Happiness, the project aims to highlight what true happiness looks like in a world so reliant on social media likes. From 12:00 FJT on March 20, Fijian locals will take over Tourism Fiji’s Instagram for 24 hours, sharing 24 unfiltered and authentic moments of natural happiness captured on disposable cameras. 

For agents wishing to join in the movement, all that is required is a picture that makes them truly happy posted on Instagram between March 20-24, and tag Tourism Fiji with the hashtags #happy, #fijihappy and #happinessnaturally. The tourist board will then select the image that they feel has sparked the most joy and the owner will be contacted to claim their prize of £100 Love2Shop vouchers.