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Technology and travel: How to provide seamless travel when abroad by Alex Torres, VP of global product marketing at Moovit

The travel industry is unequivocally successful when it comes to helping its customers get to their destination of choice. It continues to over-deliver against expectation when it comes to providing a tailored service to ensure its customers get the holiday they want, where they want and how they want it.

This has been aided by advances in technology that has sped up booking times, provided a plethora more hotel options and led to a rise in sites that allow people to share their experiences for the benefit of others. Yet, once at their destination, the customer is left to their own devices in terms of getting around. A striking contrast from the level of guidance they?d been given previously.

At some point during their holiday, they will be faced with the moment of looking at a map wondering how best to get from A to B. The most basic of questions can paralyse them with the fear of self-navigation - What train do I get? What time does it leave? Does that bus go to my destination? Inevitably, they call the concierge and book a taxi.

Rarely is it considered to use the local public transport network. But why? Why should travelling around New York or Berlin be any different to the familiar territory of London or Manchester? After all, their busses have routes and their trains have lines, just like everywhere else in the world. Not to mention the added cost. A one day travel card for unlimited travel central London is cheaper than a taxi fare from one end of the Kings road to the other. And above all else, the added bonus of using public transport is that you see more of the city, its people and its workings.

This is definitely an area where agents can add value to their customers - giving them a better experience when they are in the destination. Helping them to understand that there are alternative and cheaper ways to see a foreign city than from the back seat of a taxi.

Today?s technology means things are quicker, simpler and smarter, especially with the advent of smartphones. Regardless of the city, the fundamental truth is that millions of people use public transport around the world every day. That?s a lot of knowledge, information and insights that can be curated and used by those looking for a guiding hand when it comes to city navigation.

Moovit aggregates this data and turns it into something useful, detailed and digestible so that it helps others. We enable travellers to access a live map and view nearby stops and stations based on their current GPS location, as well as plan trips across transportation modes based on real-time data. By opening up this channel of communication, people are not only provided with information relating to their journey, they are afforded peace of mind that comes with knowing what they are seeing is local, real-time and specific to their journey.

The role of the agent is to ensure its customers are informed and empowered to have the best holiday possible. So, the next time you are helping somebody book a trip, don?t forget to help them get around their destination. After all, there?s an app for that.