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A1travel.com highlights tips for travelling with tots this summer

Planning and going on holiday is never the easiest of tasks at the best of times and the challenge only increases as soon as you throw children and a hot climate into the mix.

However, travelling with children to a hot holiday destination need not be hard work. Here's a ten point guide for a no-sweat hot summer holiday with little ones.

1. Get creative -
Holidays abroad, especially to hot exotic climes, could be a bit of a culture shock, so try some holiday themed activities before you go. Get your children to look at books, draw pictures and find the destination on a globe. Even try cooking some of the local cuisine to get their taste buds ready.

2. That's my bag -
Help your child pack their very own bag full of toys to keep them entertained on the plane and beyond. Make sure it includes games for the beach and inflatables for the pool.

3. First aid -
Put together a medical kit of health essentials to ease any heat related maladies, as you may not be able to track them down when abroad. This includes a high factor sunscreen.

4. Check up -
Depending on where you are going you may or may not need to visit the doctor yourself for a course of inoculations and it is best to check what jabs your children may need before you jet off.

5. Layering -
Pack clothing wisely for the heat. Natural fibres are best as they will not irritate sensitive skin as much when your child sweats. Layering clothing is the best way to deal with changeable temperatures. Hats are a must and the best are those with a neck flap and a wide brim. Also sunglasses.

6. Shelter -
Invest in an easy to put up tent style shelter for the beach. These double up as a shelter from the sun and a wind breaker. It is also an enticing way to get children to come into the shade.

7. Cool activities -
Plan activities away from the blazing heat of the beach or poolside such as an amble around the shops, perhaps in search of some traditional, local toys to take back for your children and their friends, or lunch at a shady cafe with canopies.

8. Water, water, water -
Make sure your child keeps hydrated. It can be difficult to get children to drink water so try different things like squash and even ice lollies.

9. Dip -
Take a dip in the sea or pool with your child to cool down or even take a small paddling pool with you, which can be set up next to where you are sunbathing.

10. Relax -
Finally, just remember to take it easy. There is nothing worse for raising the temperature of parents and children alike than trying to schedule in too many activities. It is a holiday after all.

Agents can book all-inclusive holidays with A1travel.com to resorts including the Canary Islands, Egypt, Greece and Turkey.