WTM Vision Conference concludes industry's long-term prospects are good

The travel and tourism industry?s longer term prospects are good, delegates were told at the recent WTM Vision Conference, which took place in Florence. The travel and tourism industry?s longer term prospects are good, delegates were told at the recent WTM Vision Conference, which took place in Florence.

Despite the global financial problems which continue to impact the industry, Euromonitor International Travel and Tourism analyst, Angelo Rossini, predicted that the next five years will be brighter and?highlighted the growing middle classes in the emerging countries, which now have the money and the hunger to travel. He added tourists from developed countries would continue to travel but that they would just look for cheaper alternatives.

He said:??The long-term prospects are good for the travel and tourism industry.?It is very hard for people to give up travelling, so they will look for cheaper options such as short breaks or low cost holidays.?

Meanwhile, the industry?s technology was criticised for being behind the times at the conference.

Amadeus Italia marketing director, Tommaso Vincenzetti, said that the technology the industry currently uses makes it seem outdated.
He said: ?Technology should bring advantages for us in our working lives as it does in our private lives. The industry works in a way which is way behind what people are used to.?