TravelChair enables disabled children to fly

Celebrity stars Richard Stilgoe and Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen recently joined representatives from the travel industry, disability groups and major airlines at the Gatwick headquarters of the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to witness the launch of TravelChair 2012, an innovative chair for disabled children for use in passenger aircraft. Celebrity stars Richard Stilgoe and Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen recently joined representatives from the travel industry, disability groups and major airlines at the Gatwick headquarters of the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to witness the launch of TravelChair 2012, an innovative chair for disabled children for use in passenger aircraft.

The TravelChair 2012 has been designed by the children?s disability charity MERU to replace a cumbersome older version. Virgin Atlantic has already placed orders and the charity is in negotiations with several other major airlines.
The chairs are portable, fit into standard airline seats and can be stored in the overhead lockers. Parents simply advise the airline of their need to use the TravelChair at the point of booking and the airline ensures it is on board for both outbound and inbound flights ? at no extra charge.

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