Tourism ministers to discuss how to consolidate recovery

The fifth and largest UNWTO Ministers? Summit held in cooperation with WTM on November 8 will look at how the travel and tourism sector can prosper following the global downturn. The fifth and largest UNWTO Ministers? Summit held in cooperation with WTM on November 8 will look at how the travel and tourism sector can prosper following the global downturn.

Almost 200 ministers and aides are expected to attend and the debate will look at how the private and public sectors can work together to tackle current industry challenges.?
Ministers and business leaders will review and debate the impact of fiscal consolidation and increased taxation in Europe; The effects of the developments in the MENA region on tourism; Consumers? greater control of the market?- technology and new booking patterns; and the growing importance of emerging markets.

Chair of WTM Fiona Jeffery said: ?I am very much looking forward to this year?s Ministers? Summit. The summit has been a great success with each one attracting more and more ministers. The 2011 edition is poised to be the biggest yet with almost 200 ministers and aides in attendance discussing the key issues to help the industry consolidate following the global downturn."

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