Third series of roadshows from Visit USA

Next month Visit USA will be launching its third series of UK roadshows.

p>Next month Visit USA will be launching its third series of UK roadshows.

?More than 30 of the organisation?s partners, ranging from airlines, destinations to hotel groups are confirmed to attend the roadshows which kick off in Ashford, Kent on December 1 at the Ashford International Hotel.

The following night the roadshow heads north to Liverpool at the Crowne Plaza, with the Ramada Hotel in Belfast being the venue for the December 3 event.

Due to the success of previous events, the number of agency staff that can attend each evening has been increased to 120, with first priority given to those currently enrolled on the training programme.

Each of the evenings follows a similar format with a registration and drinks reception, followed by an exhibition plus games, a two-course buffet dinner with entertainment, presentation and prize draws.

For more information email? call 020-8742 4077