
Third of over 30s regret not going on an 18-30 style holiday

New research by online independent travel agent, has revealed that 34% of Britons over the age of 30 regret not having gone on an 18-30s style holiday; with the majority of these claiming to feel that they had ?missed out? by not going on one.

p> New research by online independent travel agent, has revealed that 34% of Britons over the age of 30 regret not having gone on an 18-30s style holiday; with the majority of these claiming to feel that they had ?missed out? by not going on one.

The company carried out the study as part of ongoing research into the attitudes of Britons towards certain types of holidays and experiences abroad.


1,083 people in the UK were subsequently polled, each over the age of 30. Respondents were asked to share their past experiences of holidays.

Initially, respondents to the study were asked the question, ?Did you ever go on an 18-30s style holiday?? to which 74% of them answered ?no.? These people were then asked whether or not they regretted not going away on an 18-30s style holiday, to which 34% said ?yes.?

Those who claimed to ?regret? not going on an 18-30s style holiday were asked why they felt that way, to which the majority, 65%, explained that they felt that they had ?missed out? on their chance to go on that type of holiday.

Of those who had been on an 18-30s style holiday in the past, a fifth, 21%, said they hadn?t enjoyed it.

Furthermore, 44% of those who had been away on an 18-30s style trip abroad admitted to having had a holiday romance whilst they were there.

The respondents were then asked to estimate how many holidays they had been on in their lifetime so far. The average number stated by the people that took part was 21 holidays, with the average frequency being one holiday every two years.

When asked, ?Have you ever returned to the same holiday resort more than once?? 91% of the respondents said ?yes.? When asked why this was the case, half of the people polled, 52%, stated that the ?familiarity? was what drew them back, whilst 24% claimed it was because of ?habit.?

The people polled by were then asked about the destinations they had visited in the past. Spain was the most frequently visited country amongst the people polled, followed by France, Portugal and Greece.

Chris Brown, co-founder of, commented on the findings: ?People picture an 18-30s style holiday now and immediately think of young people consuming copious amounts of alcohol and sleeping all day, whilst partying all night. Whilst they may not be far off the mark, all resorts of this nature are different, and can cater to all tastes. Although they may not be everyone?s idea of the perfect getaway, 18-30 style holidays can be huge fun and it?s no surprise to me that many regret not having been on one.

?Thousands of holidaymakers have a great time on these types of holidays, and many see them as something that everyone should experience if given the chance. They?re certainly a good opportunity to create some really fun memories with your friends; and maybe a few you?d rather keep under wraps!?