Third of Brits will pay for holiday through debt this year

New research from, which polled 1,390 adults, suggests that a third of Brits will be getting themselves into debt to pay for their holiday this year.

p>New research from, which polled 1,390 adults, suggests that a third of Brits will be getting themselves into debt to pay for their holiday this year.

Of those respondents (61%) who were going on holiday, 57% planned to go abroad; whilst the rest planned to holiday in Britain.

The study then looked at the financial costs of a holiday, asking respondents who planned to go away roughly how much they planned to spend. The average response per individual for those going abroad for a week-long holiday was ??360 plus spending money?, which was estimated to be ??250? for the average person. For those planning to holiday in Britain, they expected to spend an average of ??120? on their stay, with ?150 spending money.

Respondents were also asked if they considered the expense of their holiday to be well within their budget. Some 52% of those polled admitted that it would be 'tight', 25% said that they 'could barely afford it?, while 23% felt that the expense was 'no issue'.

Respondents were then asked how they planned to pay for their holiday, to which 36% confessed that they would take on debt to do so ?? and of these, 57% admitted to ?going into their overdraft? to cover the expense, 38% said they would pay on credit card and 18% said that they had ?taken out a loan? to cover the cost. A further 25% stated that they had or planned to borrowed money off 'relatives or friends'.