Tee-off with the Family Holiday Association

The Travel Insurance Industry Committee has teamed up with the Family Holiday Association to host its seventh annual Travel Industry Charity Golf Day on Wednesday June 27. The Travel Insurance Industry Committee has teamed up with the Family Holiday Association to host its seventh annual Travel Industry Charity Golf Day on Wednesday June 27.
All proceeds made on the day will be used to help disadvantaged children across the UK access a much needed family break away.

The event takes place at Maylands Golf Course in Essex, an 18-hole championship golf course, and as well as the chance to compete with industry colleagues, the event offers the opportunity to make new acquaintances, entertain clients, catch up with old friends and have the chance to win the coveted trophy.

Entry is ?80 per head or ?300 for a team of four. Places are very limited, so

bookings should be made early.

For details or to register email michelle@familyholidayassociation.org.uk