Sun seeking Brits plan on spending more money on holidays this year according to a new survey conducted by Skyscanner.
p>Sun seeking Brits plan on spending more money on holidays this year according to a new survey conducted by Skyscanner.The company polled 1,000 UK travellers about their holiday plans for 2014 and how they plan to manage the budget, with more than a quarter (27%) anticipating spending more on their holidays and less than a third (30%) planning to cut back.
The survey found that 41% intend on taking more than one holiday next year, while one in ten plan to jet off at least three times.
In terms of financing their holiday, during 2013 two thirds of holidaymakers (66%) used their savings to pay for the holidays, with one in ten putting money aside for their next trip as soon as they arrived home from the last. However, almost a quarter (24%) paid for their last holiday with a loan or credit card, while 3% admitted to borrowing money from friends or relatives.
The survey also showed that holidays are essential to many Brits, whether they can afford it or not. More than a third (36%) of sun-starved Brits said they would find a way to get away, no matter what. Almost three quarters (74%) said they would consider travelling to non-Euro destinations this year in order to save money, while more than 80% are willing to give up other luxuries in order to enjoy their trips abroad.