Southampton passenger numbers on the rise with popular summer sun routes

The summer holidays have started strongly at Southampton Airport as more than half a million passengers travelled through the regional airport during May to July 2013.

p>The summer holidays have started strongly at Southampton Airport as more than half a million passengers travelled through the regional airport during May to July 2013.


Latest figures show that for the three consecutive months of the early summer season (May - July), the airport has seen the largest rate of growth since 2008, as more people opt to take holidays overseas compared to the same period last year.

Dave Lees, Southampton Airport managing director said: ?We?ve seen some very positive trends recently as passenger numbers steadily rise.

?A combination of increased flights to some of our popular sun routes, some competitive pricing and offers from our airlines and tour operators, and the long, cold winter may all have contributed to the increase in holidays.?

Summer sun routes are proving especially popular as Malaga, Alicante, Faro and Palma show the biggest increases in passenger numbers, whilst Jersey and Alderney are also enjoying an upward trend as more people choose to fly to the Channel Islands for a summer break.

City break destinations are also seeing an increase, with Amsterdam, Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Paris all increasingly popular destinations of choice for Southampton passengers compared to the same period last year.