SeaDream Yacht Club promotes group bookings for 2010

UK travel agents are being encouraged by SeaDream Yacht Club to make group bookings now and lock in rates for 2010 voyages in the Mediterranean and Caribbean.

p>UK travel agents are being encouraged by SeaDream Yacht Club to make group bookings now and lock in rates for 2010 voyages in the Mediterranean and Caribbean.

To assist, SeaDream has distributed a web leaflet (HTML) explaining the programme.

The group booking programme provides agents with a seventh stateroom free on select Mediterranean voyages and a fifth stateroom free on select Caribbean voyages.

SeaDream UK Director, Ian Buckeridge, said: ?These group offerings won?t last and I urge agents to book now. A $25 per stateroom deposit locks in the rates.

?We are inviting travel agents to put on their thinking caps and think creatively about groups.?

?Think groups,? he says.

?Groups like good friends, yacht clubs, sport and country clubs, wine clubs, family reunions, birthdays, anniversaries and, of course, business incentives---just to name a few.?

Agents who receive the web leaflet can click on the links provided and go directly to the selected SeaDream voyages.