
Sea Life Brighton unveils Jurassic Seas attraction

Sea Life Brighton has unveiled its latest feature, Jurassic Seas, a new concept involving digital dinosaurs, ancient fossils and stunning sea creatures.

p>Sea Life Brighton has unveiled its latest feature, Jurassic Seas, a new concept involving digital dinosaurs, ancient fossils and stunning sea creatures.

The new family attraction brings three of the deep?s most terrifying dinosaurs back to life with motion-sensor technology, where visitors can feed the digital Plesiosaurus, marvel at the giant teeth of the Megalodon and test their bravery in the face of an angry Liopleurodon.

Alongside the digital dinosaurs, Jurassic Seas features an array of creatures that have survived for millions of years, from the serene Giant Nautilus to lively Mudskippers and fascinating Horseshoe Crabs.

For visitors keen to explore the history of the sea, the installation also offers the opportunity to get to grips with carefully preserved fossils ? as well as a genuine Megalodon tooth.

Sea Life Brighton is open every day except Christmas Day from 10:00-17:00 with tickets costing ?9.95 per person.

To book or for more information visit www.visitsealife.com/brighton