
PortAventura celebrates 20th anniversary with 20% off

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Spanish theme park PortAventura, DoSomethingDifferent.com is offering agents a 20% discount on all multiday tickets for a limited time.

p>To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Spanish theme park PortAventura, DoSomethingDifferent.com is offering agents a 20% discount on all multiday tickets for a limited time.

The offers is a UK exclusive discount for customers pre-purchasing tickets through travel agents and is not available at the gate. A two-day ticket now costs from ?33 per adult and ?29 per child ? the same price as a one-day ticket.

Four- and seven-day tickets to the theme park also feature the 20% discount, as do the combined two-park tickets which also include admission to Costa Caribe Aquatic Park for three, four or seven days. The bestselling three-day-two-park ticket costs ?47 per adult and ?38 per child.

Real tickets are provided to reduce time queuing and the tickets are open dated.

For more information visit www.dosomethingdifferent.com or call 020-8090 3890.

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