The Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau has undergone a process of rebranding.
p>The Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau has undergone a process of rebranding.The organisation has updated its Website, the Philadelphia Official Visitors Guide (OVG) and the Philadelphia Professional Planners Guide (PPG), along with its social media properties and international guides.
Following a series of focus groups and one-on-one interviews, the company devised six narratives from the results which it said defined Philadelphia: Freedom, Democracy & America; Innovation & Education; Creative Spirit; Vibrant Street Life; Accessible & Friendly; and Outdoor Life & Sports.
Plans to create new solutions for its print and web properties are now in place, and a creative video asset will also be developed to highlight the six narratives and build awareness of Philadelphia as a modern renaissance city.
The launch of the new travel products is intended to position the city as a global destination for meetings and conventions, international visitors, group travel or prospective students.
To sign-up for updates visit or follow the new social media accounts at and