Noel Josephides elected as ABTA Chairman

ABTA has announced that Noel Josephides, chairman of Sunvil Holidays, has been appointed as ABTA Chairman.

p>ABTA has announced that Noel Josephides, chairman of Sunvil Holidays, has been appointed as ABTA Chairman.

The appointment follows an election process involving the ABTA Board and a ballot among all ABTA Members.?

Mark Tanzer, ABTA Chief Executive, said: ?On behalf of the Board, I?d like to congratulate Noel on his appointment as ABTA Chairman. ?He has a vast amount of industry experience that will prove extremely valuable as we make further strides in delivering our business plan for the Association.?

Noel Josephides said: ?I am delighted to be elected as ABTA Chairman and I?d like to thank Roger Allard, the other candidate, for contributing to such an open and lively election campaign. ?I look forward to working with him in his capacity as Board Director, along with the rest of ABTA?s Board and management team, in my new role. ?The Association is making very good progress in its strategy, and my aim as Chairman is to ensure that this work continues on track, delivering the best possible service to ABTA Members and helping to guide them through the new challenges and changes in the industry.?

Josephides will take up his role as Chairman at ABTA?s next board meeting on July 24.