New website on America?s Great Outdoors from Brand USA

Brand USA has launched a new site ? the United States of Great Outdoors ? that highlights outdoor travel destinations and experiences across the country.

p>Brand USA has launched a new site ? the United States of Great Outdoors ? that highlights outdoor travel destinations and experiences across the country.

Content on the new site includes travel stories, photography and videos that focus on adventure, nature, family travel and other themes, along with stories organised by both interest and destination.
Features include ?10 Incredible Selfie Spots across the USA?, photos of the week and must-see lists with travel information and trip ideas in easy-to-read snippets.
Visitors to the site can also get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Brand USA?s America Wild: U.S. National Parks (working title) film. Created in partnership with independent filmmaker MacGillivray Freeman Films, creator of 38 giant-screen productions, the film is a tribute to the National Park Service?s upcoming centennial anniversary in 2016.

Due for release globally in IMAX theaters and other giant-screen cinemas during the first quarter of 2016, the behind-the-scenes website footage includes grizzly bears fishing in Alaska, the President Theodore Roosevelt on a camping trip with conservationist John Muir at Yosemite National Park in California and professional climber Conrad Anker scaling the red rocks at Arches National Park in Utah.

The microsite can be found at