Luggage service keen to work with trade

Luggage collection and delivery service, The Baggage Man, is keen to work with the trade and is offering agents 10% commission on any bookings made. Luggage collection and delivery service, The Baggage Man, is keen to work with the trade and is offering agents 10% commission on any bookings made.

The company's director, Stephen Dix, said: "We recognise the value of travel trade partnerships and we want to develop trade business in 2012. Our service is particularly attractive to 50 plus travellers as well as to those who have disabilities as, not having to worry about or manoeuvre luggage, takes a lot of the anxiety out of travelling. It also appeals to young families who tend to travel with more cases and equipment."

Once a booking is confirmed, the customer is given a date and time for luggage collection and sent the transportation paperwork, which they need to complete and attach to their cases.

The luggage is collected a few days before travel and delivered to a client's hotel, cruise ship or holiday property in time for their arrival.

On the return journey the cases arrive home a few days after they do. All items in a customer's luggage are covered to a value of ?10.00 per kilo.

As an example, to transport a bag up to 22kg to nearby European cities such as Dublin, Paris, Amsterdam, Cologne and Brussels, prices lead in at ?116 return.

For more information visit or call 0800-023 2094.