If Only... introduces monthly webinar for homeworking agents

If Only... has introduced ?Webinar Wednesdays?, a monthly webinar update, to share important information and product developments with the homeworking agents.

Hosted by the operator's business development managers (BDM) team, anyone can join these webinars. If Only... past webinars have been a success, with more than 80 agents tune in at a time.

Alongside the webinars, If Only...'s BDM has been supporting the homeworkers with more than 40 coffee and cake events scheduled from February to April across the UK and Ireland.

Tracy Docherty, sales director at the operator, said: "At If Only..., we absolutely recognise the value of our homeworkers and I?d like to personally thank them for all of their support over the course of the past year. We?ve seen incredible growth from Not Just Travel and the Independent Travel Experts in particular, who?s business has increased by over 500% in the past 12 months, with a great uptake from many others. We?re keen to grow this aspect of the business and wanted to help homeworkers get to know their local BDM better as someone to turn to for support and advice.

"I shared a post on Facebook one day to see whether homeworkers would be interested in attending local events, and it generated an unprecedented response. We now have more than 300 agents and counting signed up to the events, which will run until the end of April. I?d urge any homeworkers who haven?t already signed up join our If Only... Facebook Partners Page to find out about their local events and join us for coffee, cake and a short presentation on all things If Only...?