Tuxedo Money Solutions has launched the Escape Travel Card ? a prepaid MasterCard currency card designed to deliver significant income potential for partners.
p>Tuxedo Money Solutions has launched the Escape Travel Card ? a prepaid MasterCard currency card designed to deliver significant income potential for partners.
The travel card is underpinned by a bespoke programme developed in line with each client?s specific requirements, and enables distributing partners to earn commission whilst offering their customers a simple, safe and cost effective way to manage overseas spending.
Cardholders can use the card to make purchases in shops, online or over the phone for free, while clients can co-brand or fully white label the card to present cardholders with a branded travel essential.
The company's solution offers a commission rate to distributing partners, paid over the life of the card for all loads. It also gives travel agents, tour operators and FX bureaus an alternative option for customer promotions and incentives. Rather than giving discounts, free packages or cashback, the cards can be preloaded, not only earning the distributing partner a commission payment on the load but also encouraging uptake and further use.
Sales of the card can be tracked enabling the distributor to expand their database and customer MI. The sale is tracked not only by source but also channel, branch and agent (including homeworkers) giving distributors improved performance and channel analysis.
For more information visit www.tuxedomoneysolutions.com