
Holiday habits are gradually returning

Findings of a recent PwC consumer behaviour and travel survey reveal the changing holiday habits of consumers.

p> Findings of a recent PwC consumer behaviour and travel survey reveal the changing holiday habits of consumers.

The findings have unearthed several different behavioural trends, when compared with analysis before the recession. The bad news for the travel industry is that consumers are still taking fewer holidays than normal, with 30% of respondents saying they have not taken a holiday in the last 12 months.

However, there is a silver lining, with the balance of respondents saying their spend on holidays has increased over the last 12 months. Excluding those surveyed who have not taken a holiday in the last 12 months, 15% of respondents have increased their holiday spend and 23% of the more regular holiday-takers have increased that spend further.

Findings show that consumers are returning to their preferred holiday destinations, although are still taking fewer holidays and spending less at the destination.

Company partner, David Trunkfield, said: ?Improving economic conditions seem to have lifted consumer confidence and consumers who may have stayed at home over the last two summers are looking forward again to going on holiday abroad.

?Although more positive than at any time in the last 24 months, the outlook for leisure travel remains finely balanced, and it is unclear how leisure travel will perform over the next 12 months. We have yet to see a strong rebound in outbound passenger numbers, unlike after the last recession.?