Help Explore to help the Philippines

Explore has pledged to help the Philippines Appeal with a donation of ?2,500.

p>Explore has pledged to help the Philippines Appeal with a donation of ?2,500.

Following on from the government?s pledge to match the first ?5 million donated by members of the public, the adventure travel operator is offering its support to the 6.9 million people who have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan, and is urging agents to do the same.

The money the operator is donating to the appeal comes partly from the lecture fees it has received from the University of Surrey. This academic year, it will be delivering a total of 20 lectures on responsible tourism to undergraduate and postgraduate tourism students at the university. The operator feels it is apt that these fees, along with an additional contribution, go towards funding vital supplies and emergency assistance to the millions whose lives have been devastated by the typhoon.  

Explore operates one tour to the Philippines visiting areas that have remained unaffected by the typhoon. In line with appeals from the Philippines? Department of Tourism, all departures are planned to go ahead as normal. Ensuring that the tour does not divert any resources away from affected areas, Explore will continue to visit the country and economically support the local communities, businesses and charities it has contact with along the way.

Carl Burrows, Sales Director of Explore, said: ?As a company of passionate travellers, we are all shocked to hear of the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan. Knowing that just ?25 could pay for water purification tablets for 10 families for a month, and ?50 will feed a family for two weeks, we didn?t have to think twice about donating our lecture fees to the appeal?.

He continued: ?The government are matching the first ?5 million donated by members of the public to the Philippines appeal, so we?d urge individual agents to get involved and visit After all, every penny really does count.?

For further information on Explore, visit or call 0844 499 0901.