
Haiti Tourism opens UK office

The Ministry of Tourism for the Republic of Haiti under the leadership of Stephanie Villedrouin, Minister for Tourism and Creative Industry, has taken a number of steps to create the right infrastructure on the island.

p>The Ministry of Tourism for the Republic of Haiti under the leadership of Stephanie Villedrouin, Minister for Tourism and Creative Industry, has taken a number of steps to create the right infrastructure on the island.

This includes facilities at existing airports, development of new airports, major improvements to the roads, creating the right climate for international hotel chains and creating facilities around key attractions.

The destination is now ready to push forward and receive more travellers to the island. With this in mind, Haiti has appointed Jean-Marc Flambert to spear head Haiti?s efforts in the UK.

Jean-Marc has the unique experience of having run both the Sri Lanka and Saint Lucia Tourist Boards. He said: "I am very excited and I know that Haiti has the potential to regain her rightful position as a leading Caribbean destination. Leading hotels such NH and Occidental (both Spanish chains), plus Best Western have opened. Marriot is under construction and Hilton has just announced a development.

?Haiti is for the experience seeking traveller. Historic fortresses, mountains of 2,000 metres, caves, waterfalls, art and music, festivals, and delicious food all await you. Come and discover Haiti for yourself.?

For more information visit http://ouihaiti.com/ and https://www.haititourisme.gouv.ht/