Elite Travel Group members report boost in business from new customers

Following a recent?membership meeting and operator workshop, Elite Travel Group member agents report an increase in business from new customers, most of which is?thought to be directly attributed to the problems encountered last year, such as strikes and civil strife, but also?due to the volcanic ash and snow that the UK?suffered both last year and early this year.

p> Following a recent?membership meeting and operator workshop, Elite Travel Group member agents report an increase in business from new customers, most of which is?thought to be directly attributed to the problems encountered last year, such as strikes and civil strife, but also?due to the volcanic ash and snow that the UK?suffered both last year and early this year.

An?spokesperson for the company said:??Customers, who in the past have gone down the online route and experienced poor service from both airlines and accommodation providers, now appear to want some security and peace of mind, and are booking their holiday and travel arrangements through accredited and experienced travel agents.


"New customers, having endured previous problems, have now learnt that when an unfortunate event occurs and problems arise, then these are better handled by a professional and efficient agent."