Canandian Tourism Commission launches winter advertising campaign

The Canadian Tourism Commission is asking What type of winter personality are you? as part of its winter campaign. The Canadian Tourism Commission is asking What type of winter personality are you? as part of its winter campaign.

The campaign response is being driven to a microsite featuring information on Signature Canadian winter experiences linked to travel offers/packages from industry partners. Consumers can 'friend' Canada and find out if they are a Polar Bear with cubs, a Snow Hare or a wolf - to determine their canadian winter personality and identify the type of winter holiday that might suit them. The Facebook campaign also offers ten branded Canada iPads as prizes to those entering the competition.

The CTC's managing director UK, Rupert Peters, said: "Canada is a four season destination and this campaign is created to highlight the delights and charms of a Canadian winter. It is not all about skiing and boarding - we talk about the great Quebec Winter Carnival, the Niagara Ice Wine Festival and dog sledding in Manitoba. Unlike in the UK, just because it snows life doesn't have to stop - Canada embraces winter full on and we want the British to come and be enthused by what we have to offer in a pristine winter wonderland."

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