Airline customers unaware APD tax can be reclaimed on cancelled flights

More than 60% of travellers lose out on money they are entitled to according to flight comparison Website, Skyscanner.

p>More than 60% of travellers lose out on money they are entitled to according to flight comparison Website, Skyscanner.

Despite recent reports that suggest prohibitive administration costs are preventing customers reclaiming Air Passenger Duty (APD) tax on flights, initial results from the company?s survey suggest that the majority of airline customers are not aware they can obtain refunds by applying to the airline. The survey found that 60% of users had not claimed back tax because they didn?t know that they could, while only 5% of respondents couldn?t be bothered. Only 9% of all those surveyed had actually claimed back their tax.


The company?s CEO, Gareth Williams, said: ?Air Passenger Duty, a government tax levied on UK airlines, is only paid to the government after the flight has taken off and can therefore be claimed back if passengers fail to fly or have had their flights cancelled. ?Our users tend to be fairly savvy when it comes to travel so I am surprised that so many are unaware of the fact they can claim this back. With APD tax in excess of ?100 for a long-haul premium cabin there?s a lot of money going unclaimed."