ABTA comment on Government advertising campaign

Comment from Mark Tanzer, CEO, ABTA ? The Travel Association, regarding the Government?s plans to fund a ?4M marketing campaign that will actively discourage people from taking foreign holidays this year. Comment from Mark Tanzer, CEO, ABTA ? The Travel Association, regarding the Government?s plans to fund a ?4M marketing campaign that will actively discourage people from taking foreign holidays this year. ?ABTA has always been a strong advocate for domestic tourism and fully supports the Government?s efforts to ensure that the positive global exposure offered by the Queen?s Diamond Jubilee and the Summer Olympics and Paralympics boosts foreign visitor numbers. However, we are very concerned that the Government is sponsoring a marketing campaign that appears to actively discourage UK holidaymakers from taking a foreign break: I?m sure the public want to make up their own mind about where to go on holiday.? The outbound tourism industry employs hundreds of thousands of people throughout the UK and generates ?27 billion annually in direct spend, making a fundamental and significant contribution to the economic health of the country.?