50% of attraction tickets redeemed via mobile phones within two years

Attraction World is working towards having half of attraction tickets redeemed via mobile phones within two years. Ticketless entry via a barcode displayed on a mobile phone is very much a reality in modern society and is becoming more and more popular across the sector.

p>Attraction World is working towards having half of attraction tickets redeemed via mobile phones within two years. Ticketless entry via a barcode displayed on a mobile phone is very much a reality in modern society and is becoming more and more popular across the sector.


For example, Siam Park and Loro Parque in Tenerife were among the first attractions to go live with the technology in December 2011, following a relatively small investment in front line software and hardware.

The operator is now working with other park partners around the world, who have the right technology available to them or are able to invest in it, to introduce ticketless entry to more excursions and attractions.

The company's group sales & marketing director, Tony Seaman, said: ?This is another step in the direction of a paperless world. It?s better for the environment, easier for customers as they don?t have to carry reams of paper on holiday with them and great for the attraction as they have quicker access to valuable customer data.

?The main challenge to implementing this across the board is ensuring supplier technology is suitably advanced to be able to accept non-printed tickets.

?We think it?s highly achievable that 50% of all tickets should be redeemable via this method within two years. It?s the way the world is moving and the travel industry has to keep up.?

For more information visit www.attractionworld.com or call 0871-700 8888.