Industry Insights

Is there a cloud forming over the airline industry?

John Escott, general manager of Elite Travel Group, discusses the airline industry?s wellbeing in the weeks leading up to the UK?s ?exit day?...

Want to effectively use social media to reach out to LGBT travellers?

Ben Owen from Venture Travel shows how Facebook can give agents the edge in marketing to potential customers?

How to boost your sales by tapping into the solo travel market

Hayley Walker holiday hamsterHayley Walker from Holiday Hamster shares her top tips on how to sell solo holidays  

How welcome advice can set agents apart...

Eileen Saunders Travel Counsellors agent insightNever be afraid of making suggestions to holidaymakers says Eileen Saunders from Travel Counsellors.

How to boost your travel agency's online presence

Ben Owen Venture TravelBen Owen from Venture Travel explains why agencies need to take online and social media presence seriously.

Overtourism: Is it a reality, is it under control?

Tracey Poggio chairman ANTORTracey Poggio, chairman of ANTOR, looks into the real story behind overtourism.

How to create the perfect honeymoon for your clients

Jenny Lane Blue Eye TravelJenny Lane from Blue Eye Travel shows how to combine ?once in a lifetime? experiences with a honeymoon to South Africa.